What is a macro virus? With malware like ransomware, spyware, supercomputer worms, and certain Trojan horses attacking our solitude and fiscal security, bequest threats like viruses have taken a backseat for a few causes. For one, whilst viruses can be disparaging to our data, they can’t seize our PCs for ransom or spy on us. […]
What is ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that locks users out of their systems or personal files and asks for a ransom to let them back in. Some people might say, “My computer is locked because of a virus,” but ransomware is usually a different kind of malware than a virus. In the […]
Malicious is a type of Computer Software & is also known as Malware software. It is very bad software whose motto is to harm the computer or laptop. The main aim of this software is to harm the computer of any specific user. It steals your data or password or it may erase the data […]