kaspersky antivirus license key
kaspersky antivirus license key

How to request a refund for a Kaspersky?

2 minutes, 16 seconds Read

It is very easy for to Kaspersky unsubscribe and gets a refund. However, how long you have to request a refund depends on your location and where you purchased Kaspersky.

What is Kaspersky?

Kaspersky is one of the best and most reliable antiviruses on the market. Kaspersky offers you, and you will get more than three scanning techniques on the scanning panel. You can also schedule your scan. Experts always recommend Kaspersky antivirus to users. So that they can easily perform this task, Kaspersky provides a clearly illustrated user interface. 

How to cancel a subscription?

You will need to request to cancel Kaspersky subscription.

  • First, you must visit the official Kaspersky website and log in with your credentials.
  • Click you can click Cancel Subscription under the relevant subscription.
  • Then you can select the Cancel Subscription option. 
  • Finally, tap on “Confirm.” 

How to stop auto-renewal?

First, go to your products and choose the one that you will not renew without your permission. Now click on the stop auto billing feature. You can also ask a professional if you don’t have the knowledge to do this step. Alternatively, you can submit a request to cancel Kaspersky auto renewal through these experts.

Be sure this process can take up to a few business days, so if your product’s expiration date is approaching soon, chances are you may be charged. So, make sure you go through these steps at least a week before.

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

Kaspersky offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, but if you bought it through the Google Play Store, you only have 48 hours to get your money back. Suppose you are unsure whether your country has a money-back guarantee or not. You need to check with the provider from which you purchased your Kaspersky license. It’s important that you choose a backup antivirus after getting your money back and uninstalling Kaspersky.

How to request a refund?

Suppose you purchased the original Kaspersky antivirus product and canceled it for some possible reason, and you decide to create a Kaspersky refund request. In that case, you can request such products from the company. Kaspersky offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you purchased a Kaspersky product and wish to cancel, you can do this by simply logging in to your Kaspersky account, going to your account page, and going to Products. You will find a list of products that you have purchased from the company. You can click on the product you don’t want to continue. Then click on the refund button and follow the simple steps to complete the process.

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